Aria Pirmana, who weighed more than 190 kilograms at the age of 10, 
weighs much higher than usual even for an adult who has severely deteriorated her condition, 
as seen clearly in the images of this part of the damp hobby . To be

After worsening his physical and mental condition and, 
on the other hand, his family's inability to pay for sweating , 
finally forced him to begin to lose weight, and he had to go through healthy activities and exercise. 
His 10th birthday was a very difficult time, and because of his dangerous weight gain, 
it was impossible for him to walk, and there was no fitting clothing in the stores, no school and school, 
because he was unable to walk and move naturally. ; Everything he could do was play with cellphones and 
other computer games until one day he and his family decided to start a serious way to solve this serious problem. 
So they went to a nutritionist to basically obesity He is treated.

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