TRANSLATED FROM SPANISH List of sites and .loki .clos 1.0 Compiled by: freakbizarro Knowledge is free The following websites are .loki a domain accessible only through Freenet POLARIS setting in Ubuntu. RFzEarcM.loky - Unknown cXX8tAp5.loky - Unknown zubo97ff.loky - Porn (age unknown) q3hH3ras.loky - Links 7hQW6EQs.loky - stolen email accounts (Part-1) 75nHF42v.loky - stolen email accounts (Part-2) z8R2Myvz.loky - Hackers in prison EUAi0wph.loky - Discussion about time travel nR5ZMajL.loky - Secrets of the .clos links XAGxthAB.loky - Photos from the edge of the universe 6nXDwKW2.loky - Dimensional Travel 45jAEnn1.loky - Radio Control Manual 8fitM3fk.loky - Knowing my IP w3ns0q4v.loky - Page with multiple PHP errors eah1mr61.loky - Age of the Earth sx1zzzzz.loky - Song of relaxation (Blues) GGGGGGGG.loky - Site G uen5c84x.loky - Military Zone Plans Nevada (Area 51) b3hqj56x.loky - black Fruit Market p0nkk91N.loky - Armed with a Whirlpool refrigerator iZr8fMca.loky - stolen phones VXa2O9bN.loky - All anonymous operations (2011-2014) 9Jfz4hrE.loky - See yourself in your webcam sMKTKJVa.loky - Human Experiments y7mujomP.loky - Experimental Hardware and Unstable 8OD1uSrP.loky - Torture a human being online EBZ9tOvU.loky - Music with subliminal messages The following websites are .clos, only accessible after the correct domain configuration within Freenet ChaosVPN within Ubuntu. snuff videos online victim chooses to - http: //ydbcnqhopqmeltucyeik3.clos/ HUMAN TRAFFICKING & organs - http: //g5h6j8t66t4jhbn9iksh6.clos/ - http: //tdiqndytaeh19iyt56gb3.clos/ CLASSIFIED INFORMATION - http: //duanjfheyu5clq9ia7yt6.clos/ Erlast Project - http: //jquydhr7nqb59j16jh6d0.clos/ Project dark warrior - http: //duehgje76nd543dk0987h.clos Baphomet and habierto cult - http: //lqkcindg61o95g67a54f3.clos/ Crystaline power metrics - http: //ajtqnc65ldo91jh7dgq62.clos/ Broder engine plans - http: //kcjend84dli8y6qt178gq.clos/ death coil tesla - http: //pqociudthqi856dn72ksu.clos/ Discussion about God and baphomet - http: //doqj64ndhsjkeipa9187z.clos Act 13 (the 13 biggest Illuminati families and his contribution) - http: //doqj64ndhsjkeipa9187z.clos/ The 5th dimension and ascension - http: //pw.k45s9vcx03f5eq2vsa2v5.clos/ ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE BEFORE THE HUMAN RACE, CAIMEO PRIMITIVE INTELLIGENCE - http: //idsjqkcneysjf81h39o36.clos/ THE DEVELOPMENT OF AIDS IN A LAB - http: //audjendjgksl76dns387c.clos/ HIDDEN PROPHECY BY RELIGIONS - http: //vqbnut45cvbahgp528bz2.clos/ niyiu the sky turns red - http: //twhsdiuy5cvbzushjsdf4.clos/ THE invension OF RELIGIONS FOR HUMAN CONTROL - http: //vqbnut45cvbahgp528bz2.clos/ SEND A MESSAGE, Haras PACT WITH THE DEVIL - http: //iaudychq87dhy6tdgt4h7.clos/ world government bloodline - http: //euejhyatgqozip2d8ej21.clos/ LEADERS Illuminati, ITS CREATOR DECENDENSIA (BLOOD LINE) - http: //hqjieu6dh616k9lmp5dt7.clos/ Location of atlantis - http: //mlqkcjdhgeud6hdy78jsh.clos/ ENGLISH 45jAEnn1.loky - Radio Control Manual [Open] 8fitM3fk.loky - Knowing my IP [Open] w3ns0q4v.loky - Page with multiple PHP errors [Open] eah1mr61.loky - Age of the Earth [Open] sx1zzzzz.loky - Song relaxing (Blues) [Open] GGGGGGGG.loky - The G Site [Open] uen5c84x.loky - Military Area Plans Nevada (Area 51) [Open] b3hqj56x.loky - Fruit black market [Open] p0nkk91N.loky - Armed of a Whirlpool refrigerator [404] iZr8fMca.loky - Cellphones stolen [Open] VXa2O9bN.loky - All Anonymous Operations (2011-2012) [Open] 9Jfz4hrE.loky - See yourself on your webcam [Open] sMKTKJVa.loky - Human Experiments [Closed] y7mujomP.loky - Experimental and Unstable Hardware [Closed] 8OD1uSrP.loky - Japanese history [Open] EBZ9tOvU.loky - Music with subliminal messages [Open] RFzEarcM.loky - Unknown [Closed] cXX8tAp5.loky - Unknown [Closed] zubo97ff.loky - Porn (age unknown) [404] q3hH3ras.loky - Links (Layer 3) [Open] 7hQW6EQs.loky - Email accounts stolen (Part-1) [Open] 75nHF42v.loky - Email accounts stolen (Part-2) [Open] z8R2Myvz.loky - Hackers caught [404] EUAi0wph.loky - Time Travel with the Mind [Closed] nR5ZMajL.loky - Links ".Clos" secrets [Open] XAGxthAB.loky - The edge of the universe (Pictures) [Open] 6nXDwKW2.loky - Trains that goes to another Dimension [Closed or Moved] ------------------------------------------------------------ &About Login System: |_Log requires that the equipment in question, have an IP address range larger than normal. Having the hardware as opposed to "Open Shell System" can mean a BIG risk tracking. There is NO internet provider granting an IP address over IPv6. So it would be pretty easy to track anyone with that hardware. We will not tell you how get in, srry, is not safe. FISRT REPORT 05/09/2014 ----------------------- #[LokyNetwork_0001] #[Closys_0001] .Neuro. (100007528894952) .closys. .loky. # Status: Posting... Generalmente cuando acsedes a los dominios .clos / .loky / .murd, ¿Lo haces con tu propio navegador o con el tor browser bundle?. O como haces? Se pueden acseder a los dominios .clos con solo tor si usas por ejemplo Unix & tor? Lo hago por cualquier navegador, solamente necesitas modificar nodos, proxys y puertos. Eso se conoce como Closed Shell System. Obviamente no te voy a decir como por que eso no se dice, se gana primero. Se puede acceder desde cualquier navegador siempre y cuando hagas ajustes al navegador, al proxy y al router. ??? 3 ?????? from blog very close : Terror En El Alma lunes, enero 05, 2015 Cómo entrar a las Marianas Web Atención En este tutorial, aprenderás DE VERDAD a entrar en Las Marianas Web. Así que si no tienes amplia experiencia en la red Tor, Deep Web (DW de ahora en adelante) y Sistemas Linux, por favor, no realices el siguiente tutorial a menos que estés SEGURO/A de lo que haces. Quedas avisado/a. ¡Hola my friends! Hoy nos vamos a poner un poco hackers jeje, ¿y qué vamos a hacer hoy? Buena pregunta. Vamos a entrar a las Marianas Web. ¿Cómo? ¿Lo cualo? Si si, como lees. Pero primero hay que aclarar unas cosas... ¿Qué son las Marianas Web? La verdad Voy a ser totalmente sincero. Empecemos desde el principio. La gente dice que la DW se divide en niveles, y es así. Pero las personas lo pintan como Nivel 5, 6 o incluso 7. ¡Qué cojones! ¡Esto no es Super Mario! Lo que la gente llama "niveles" es la dificultad para conseguir los links. Entre más "profundo", más nos cuesta conseguir las direcciones. Y las paginas son de mayor importancia. No hay un mensaje que te diga que ya estás en cierto nivel, no es como: ¡Felicidades, estás en el nivel 5! En unos minutos llegará el FBI a tu casa. No, pero lo que si hay son paginas cifradas, es decir, estas páginas no las puedes ver como una página .onion normal (por ejemplo, sdjbcsputamadrefgcwf.onion) si no que te encuentras con codificaciones y tu tarea sería descifrar el código para obtener la dirección web. Pero bueno, me voy del tema. Las Marianas Web no es más que un nombre, un nombre que se le da a las páginas más difíciles de acceder en la DW por la dificultad del cifrado. ¿Y cuáles son las páginas más difíciles de acceder? Terminaciones .clos y .loky Se puede decir (al menos yo creo) que Las Marianas Web se puede resumir en las direcciones con terminación .clos y .loky. ¿Y qué son éstas terminaciones? Son como las .onion, pero estas son más difíciles de acceder. ¿Y cómo se acceden a estas URLs? No problem my friend, te lo cuento en un pis pas. Eso si, tengo que mejorar mi inglés... Accediendo a .clos Primero, debemos de tener el S.O. derivativo de Linux, llamado Ubuntu. Luego, descargar Freenet y ChaosVPN. Accediendo a .loky En este caso, debemos hacer lo mismo que para .clos, descargar Ubuntu y ChaosVPN, pero además, debemos hacer una configuración de redes Polaris. No tengo ni idea de lo que es esa configuración, así que busca en San Google... Si accedes al menos a URLs .clos, puedes ir presumiendo de haber entrado en Las Marianas Web jaja Lista de URLs .clos y .loky Si quieres empezar, te dejo una lista para que empieces bien y no tener que descrifrar nada. .loki RFzEarcM.loky - Desconocido cXX8tAp5.loky - Desconocido zubo97ff.loky - Porn (edad desconocida) q3hH3ras.loky - Links 7hQW6EQs.loky - Cuentas de email robadas (Parte-1) 75nHF42v.loky - Cuentas de email robadas (Parte-2) z8R2Myvz.loky - Hackers en prisión EUAi0wph.loky - Discusión sobre viajes en el tiempo nR5ZMajL.loky - Los secretos de los links .clos XAGxthAB.loky - Fotos del borde del universo (Interesante) 6nXDwKW2.loky - Los viajes dimensionales 45jAEnn1.loky - Radio Control Manual 8fitM3fk.loky - Conociendo mi IP w3ns0q4v.loky - Página con múltiples errores de PHP eah1mr61.loky - Edad de la Tierra sx1zzzzz.loky - Canción de relax (Blues) GGGGGGGG.loky - El G Site uen5c84x.loky - Planes de Zona Militar de Nevada (Area 51) b3hqj56x.loky - Mercado Negro Frutas (¿WTF?) p0nkk91N.loky - Armado de un refrigerador Whirlpool iZr8fMca.loky - Celulares Robados VXa2O9bN.loky - Todas las operaciones anónimas (2011-2014) 9Jfz4hrE.loky - Véase a sí mismo en su webcam sMKTKJVa.loky - Experimentos Humanos y7mujomP.loky - Hardware Experimental e Inestable 8OD1uSrP.loky - Torture un ser humano online EBZ9tOvU.loky - Música con mensajes subliminales .clos Vídeos snuff - Elige a la víctima online - http://ydbcnqhopqmeltucyeik3.clos/ Tráfico de humanos y órganos - http://g5h6j8t66t4jhbn9iksh6.clos/ - http://tdiqndytaeh19iyt56gb3.clos/ Información Clasificada - http://duanjfheyu5clq9ia7yt6.clos/ Proyecto erlast - http://jquydhr7nqb59j16jh6d0.clos/ Proyecto dark warrior - http://duehgje76nd543dk0987h.clos Baphomet y el culto habierto - http://lqkcindg61o95g67a54f3.clos/ Crystaline power metrics - http://ajtqnc65ldo91jh7dgq62.clos/ Broder engine plans - http://kcjend84dli8y6qt178gq.clos/ bobina de la muerte de tesla - http://pqociudthqi856dn72ksu.clos/ Discusion sobre dios y baphomet - http://doqj64ndhsjkeipa9187z.clos ley de los 13 (las 13 familias iluminati mas grandes y su aportacion) - http://doqj64ndhsjkeipa9187z.clos/ 5ta dimension y ascencion - http://pw.k45s9vcx03f5eq2vsa2v5.clos/ INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL ANTES DE LA RAZA HUMANA, CAIMEO LA INTELIGENCIA PRIMITIVA - http://idsjqkcneysjf81h39o36.clos/ LA ELABORACION DEL SIDA EN UN LABORATORIO - http://audjendjgksl76dns387c.clos/ PROFECÍAS OCULTAS POR LAS RELIGIONES - http://vqbnut45cvbahgp528bz2.clos/ niyiu el cielo se torna rojo - http://twhsdiuy5cvbzushjsdf4.clos/ LA INVENSION DE LAS RELIGIONES PARA EL CONTROL HUMANO - http://vqbnut45cvbahgp528bz2.clos/ ENVIA UN MENSAJE, HARAS PACTO CON UN DEMONIO - http://iaudychq87dhy6tdgt4h7.clos/ gobierno mundial linea de sangre - http://euejhyatgqozip2d8ej21.clos/ LIDERES ILUMINATIS , SU DECENDENSIA DEL CREADOR (LINEA DE SANGRE) - http://hqjieu6dh616k9lmp5dt7.clos/ Location of atlantis - http://mlqkcjdhgeud6hdy78jsh.clos/ Bueno amigos/as, llegamos al final. Ya sabes, comparte, comenta, ¡y ten cuidado en la DW! Publicado por Walter Sullivan en lunes, enero 05, 2015 Etiquetas: Deep Web No hay comentarios: Publicar un comentario en la entrada Entrada más reciente Entrada antigua Página principal Suscribirse a: Enviar comentarios (Atom) Plantilla Simple. Con la tecnología de Blogger. onionland but who knows (claims to be marianas web): LINKS DE MARIANAS WEB (TEN CUIDADO ADONDE VAS NO ME HAGO RESPONSABLE DE NADA DE LO QUE TE PASE) http://torlinkbgs6aabns.onion/: links de la deep web http://fkyvwpu7ccsorke2.onion/…/dppmfxaacucguzpc…/index.html: tor dir actualizado ya que el otro link se cayo http://fkyvwpu7ccsorke2.onion/…/se…/_gbpprorg/mil/index.html: equipo militar y espia http://fkyvwpu7ccsorke2.onion/…/…/projects/drones/index.html: noticias realmente interesantes fkyvwpu7ccsorke2.onion/mirrors/-Poly Front/g7pz322wcy6jnn4r.onion/opensource/II/index.html: informacion de pc y tutoriales sobre plugins de tor y configuraciones de windows mac y linux http://fkyvwpu7ccsorke2.onion/…/…/index.html: saiga 12 (armas) http://fkyvwpu7ccsorke2.onion/…/-NIOSH%20Pocket%2…/index.htm: informacion sobre productos quimicos y virus http://fkyvwpu7ccsorke2.onion/…/-FBI-SuspiciousActivity-Ga…/: archivos del fbi (vienen en imagenes pero se puede ver e vista previa es algo asi como un libro) http://fkyvwpu7ccsorke2.onion/guro%20guro222/-videos/ : vete a saber tu que tipos de videos son http://fkyvwpu7ccsorke2.onion/guro%20guro222/-Misc/ : guro gun como armar armas etc http://fkyvwpu7ccsorke2.onion/…/-Survi…/-Survival%20Library/ : libreria de supervivencia nose de que xD http://fkyvwpu7ccsorke2.onion/…/-Survival%20Libra…/library2/: la parte 2 de la libreria de supervivencia xD http://fkyvwpu7ccsorke2.onion/…/cryptoa…/wiki/Main_Page.html: cryptoanarkia es como una hidden wiki en la cual trae casi toda info de systemas, pc, programacion, etc no me fije en todos los links en esta pagina http://fkyvwpu7ccsorke2.onion/…/…/Saiga_Conversion/index.htm : (configuracion de una saiga 12) http://fkyvwpu7ccsorke2.onion/…/-Gu…/-aermeldolch/index.html: una pagina de terroristas alemanes (ATENCION ESTA PAGINA ES PELIGROSA PIENSALO ANTES DE ENTRAR) http://fkyvwpu7ccsorke2.onion/mirrors/-paraZite/: archivos y documentos clasificados y terroristas (ATENCION PIENSALO 2 VECES ANTES DE ENTRAR) http://fkyvwpu7ccsorke2.onion/…/dkn255hz262ypmii…/index.html: pagina de drogas (ATENCION PIENSALO 2 VECES ANTES DE ENTRAR ES MUY PELIGROSO) http://fkyvwpu7ccsorke2.onion/sets222/-Sex/ :libros y manuales de sexo para los que no sepan ni ponerse un condon xD http://fkyvwpu7ccsorke2.onion/sets222/-Robotics/ : como armas un transformer ja ja na mentira como armar un robot http://fkyvwpu7ccsorke2.onion/sets2…/-Religion%20&%20Occult/ :informacion de sectas y de religiones http://fkyvwpu7ccsorke2.onion/…/-Political%20and%20Governm…/ : informacion del gobierno http://fkyvwpu7ccsorke2.onion/sets222/-nsa-catalog/ : catalogo de la NSA (national security agencie) o como mierda se escriba http://fkyvwpu7ccsorke2.onion/sets222/-Poisons/ : como hacer posiones http://fkyvwpu7ccsorke2.onion/…/-NBC%20Nuclear,%20Biologic…/ :informacion sobre como armar quimicos que hagan armas y como hacer rmas con plutonio y energia nuclear http://fkyvwpu7ccsorke2.onion/…/…/tools/downloads/index.html :varios manuales con distinas cosas (ejemplo: como hacerse millonario, como hacer armas, etc) todos los archivos estan en .pdf http://fkyvwpu7ccsorke2.onion/…/nope7beergoa64ih…/index.html :otra pagina con links pero en esta son cada vez mas profundos (ATENCION TEN CUIDADO CON ESTA PAGINA) atencion todos estos links a pesar de que en algunos puse que tengan precaucion, son peligrosos y pertenecen al grado ''marianas web'' queda en tu responsabilidad hacer lo que hagas y no me voy a hacer cargo de nada de lo que pase BY: obsleo1 http://torlinkbgs6aabns.onion/ torlinkbgs6aabns.onion Today Google is 95% of Internet for the vast majority of people surfing the web. Its ease of use, simple interface and high performance in finding accurate results dazzles us more everyday. This gives us an unimaginable amount of information, that neither could reach three generations compile. But what would you say if I told you that Google has only indexed in its search engine 1% of all websites in the world? Internet, which is based on a series of interconnected servers transmitting information is just a series of bonded webs and everyone knows because WANT TO BE RECOGNIZED. but these are by no means the entire Internet. They are just the tip of an iceberg that sinks very, very deep on the web. Part of this iceberg is buried is called the Deep Web. It is a conglomerate of sites and pages that search engines can not index for different reasons. Or simply because they are private websites and do not want to be indexed. The Hidden Library Internet. Today, I'll show you can find in the Deep Web if you know look good. That if, if you pensas do, you'll find things quite HardCore, then I Think it twice before doing it, because when I say rude things are really rough. but to decide that we will have a look at what we can find at different levels of the Internet, and more specifically on the Deep Web: web You have to navigate with caution and leave no trace, real Hackers, no nenitos to "flip" walk webs lurking, ready to bribe or steal data, do not leave messages, no comment, no post, no sharing, no uploading absolutely NOTHING LEVEL 0: EVERYTHING. At level 0 we can find basically everything. The most recognized and indexed by google pages, blogs, catalogs, magazines, youtube, myspace, facebook, hotmail and all recognized pages that are scrambling to be displayed on internet. the tip of the iceberg. LEVEL 1: WEB SURFACE Here we find what may be called the "underground" of popular and known. Sites like Reddit, Digg, forgotten networks, web hosting, MySql, Private Networks temporary campuses and Email services. These are the shallow waters. LEVEL 2: WEB OF bergie Here we can start to find interesting things: FTP Servers, the results Google has banned or suppressed, Honeypots, Pornography bait (What used by police to catch pedophiles). Also channels like 4chan, Freehive, let me watch this, pages Video Stream, and porn sites like Bunny Tube (+18). * After this point, the use of a proxy is required. LEVEL 3: DEEP WEB Here begins the Deep Web itself. Tene care for Forward this point, because if you surf without a proxy PODES get into serious legal trouble. The information you'll find at this level if you are looking good is becoming something stronger: heavy bait for pedophiles, and child pornography soft underground (from now on we will call CP, so of child porn) Gore, Full Movies Download , celebrity scandals, photos and videos of celebrities VIP, Hackers, Script Kiddies, information about configuring computer viruses, files GRAS (Ni idea is this), RAID Information, Computer Security, XSS Worm Scripting, FTP Servers Specific Research Mathematical and researchers, supercomputing, visual processing and Virtual Reality (like Second Life) * After this point the use of TOR is required While we remain at level 3, it is necessary for the type of information handled that begins to scratch with illegal: Information about data ELIZA, FTP Servers of Hacktivistas Groups, transfer nodes, Data Analysis, Post generation Data, Network Data Security Microsoft, the Brotherhood of Assembler programmers, working equipment completely from Shell System, mathematics Theories of Artificial Intelligence, cosmologists, astronomers and engineers technician massachusetts. LEVEL 4: WEBS OF RENT OR "CHARTER". At this level of depth, already beginning to glimpse the more macabre antagonías of human beings. A complete black market information and illegal items can be found here, including things you thought you never could get to be sold online. Here we list some of them: Movies Hardcandy (rape with beatings), The ONION Network, The Hidden Wiki, banned books, banned movies, videos prohibited, questionable visual materials, personal records, Filming of "Bloodlines" box murder (murder videos and services ), headhunters, bounty hunters, hunters illegal gambling, trafficking in exotic animals, drug trafficking (heroin, cocaine, etc.), human trafficking, trafficking, purchase of slaves, selling organs, corporate monetary exchange , multi-billion dollar business, buying stolen items, purchase and sale of arms and in general most of the black market. * Required Shell Closed System from now. Here we find the most bizarre and strange information besides repulsive or unpleasant found in the depths of the web that we fail to see. Among many categories have some aberrant as: Scat CP, CP Violations hardcore, group CP, CP Snuff and some as bizarre as strangers are their names: Plans and designs experiments of Nikola Tesla, the results of experiments on Jews Second World War, successful experiments Josef Mengele and field diaries, the exact location of Altlántida, metrics electric power of crystals, Gadolinium Garnet Galium Electronic Quantum Processors, engine planes Broder's, La recalescence Paradigm (?), discussing the derivational Supercomputing advance, Artificial Intelligence "in a box", CAIMEO Project (Supercomputing for Artificial Intelligence), The Law of the 13's (?), Geometric Shortcuts Algorithmic, Networks Murderers International, nephilistas protocols (?), the planes of the time machine and a host of prohibited information, discredited or privatized and hidden sometime in the eyes of all human beings. and you are certainly very deep, but has not hit bottom ... * From here, you are in 80% of Internet information. Glu, Glu, Glu ... From here we dive into a sea of ??information unimaginable. The above is just a taste of what can be found there. Here you could stay forever looking for. Search for specific topics and no CP, because as in the deep sea, there are unimaginable creatures that can eat you and / or send you to jail. Dive carefully. * Bypass Polimérica Falcighol required from this point You can only get here by solving differential equations of quantum encryption. From now on, you should know very well what you're doing, otherwise expect a life in Guantanamo, violations and daily beatings that entails. A tip: let alone private servers, especially government. You you can get in trouble and a big one. Recorda, it's you against any sovereign state constitutional power, which certainly has all the money to haunt you and kill you. It seems that Polimérica Referral program Falcighol is the program used by government networks to encrypt your data. Who knows where you get or if you can legally get (Which I do not think). Better not get far, because here no danger your ass in jail but your life. LEVEL 5: MARIAN WEB Already at this point, are government networks and all information they imply. from classified up files of all possible criminal information and for lists of secret societies and associations or agencies, government records, letters, access to documents classified as top secret, etc. If you've come this far better to have a particular purpose. Otherwise they will crawl and I told you that you will do. Hope this info is for your help. If you served the information posted here, please do not forget to thank and / or leave a comment. Share Tweet Information Sources - Introduction on the Deep Web The content of the post is my authorship, and / or a compilation from various sources. dark fantasy: =============================== Darkfantasy Network =============================================== ################################################################################################### #|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|# #| $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ .dafy, .nept, .life, .taur, .elen $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ |# #| Required: |# #| Dafy-node, Nept-node, Taur-node, Elen-node + ChaosVPN + Encrypted Hardware + Freenet + Linux |# #| + Solaris + Router Configurations + Proxypitor Neptune.v5 + Aleona Browser or Neptune Browser |# #| By: Darkfantasy | Posted: 2012-9-15 |# #| Users that have access: 7 |# #| |# #|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(END OF THE COMUNICATION)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|# #|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|# ################################################################################################### #---------------- Dafy Links(35) ----------------# G94dkElc.dafy --- Conspiration Forum HcEmc37a.dafy --- Follow The White Rabbit XzSeRr4j.dafy --- Evidence with contact with arficiial intelligence AwR5tFVB.dafy --- Paralel Universe Yu7BVaxj.dafy --- Picture Of Your House ("When you enter this page, is the instance they took a picture of your house") ZAdLR32n.dafy --- Contract a corrupt Cop in America Fwjlaoer.dafy --- Contact With Lost Girl (Spiritual Stuff) 77777777.dafy --- Talk with a blessed power and get blessed oPeSDark.dafy --- Unknown K0xAraeY.dafy --- Destroy database of webserver online (Get information of a database) Hr5xzgfe.dafy --- Contract Highly Professional ELite Hackers (They can do basically everything & help you to enter "The Primarch System") S7fVeSeJ.dafy --- Atlantic Source Project (A place were everything can be found) GhvDeRad.dafy --- Dead Forest In Japan CBHErA79.dafy --- Classified Information 6GRyE488.dafy --- The Forbidden Party (Here, they sell every type of drugs) QtErZeA2.dafy --- Go Home FBI, we don't need your bullshit anymore (To enter here you need to be invited) 2OGD0Ezx.dafy --- Your mind has no limits, the time yes (Blanc website, one of the most dangerous, much information) GoNdEfmX.dafy --- Welcome to the real matrix (Almost impossible to access here, they say you "dissapear" when you enter here) T7ae9SeA.dafy --- Deal with persons that have a big power VbS0rKxc.dafy --- Knownledge Is Yours KsDmUxz5.dafy --- Dangerous Music That could harm your brain temporaly 7WeRedEj.dafy --- Person Exposed Pay A Ammount of Leafcoin & Peercoin to expose someone 3G0BYrAr.dafy --- Goodbye Raresoftware (Site that unmask all types of cyber scams) Y6xVbJJK.dafy --- Agent Of Death (Contract Assasins) CrEdEdlv.dafy --- Chat With Darkfantasy Online 5ie7ErPr.dafy --- Prometeus Chat (Currently Offline) RoLiN3dw.dafy --- Information about the future of our planet telius TtRc8KKK.dafy --- Ingredient Of The Coca Cola RuFuTTTY.dafy --- How to travell in the future WkkuOOnw.dafy --- Wake Up & Live the "real life" Matrix HjKiUal4.dafy --- The Trap Of "Anonymous" and their real origin T6sOEser.dafy --- Dark Joker Place IVVyAe91.dafy --- Hello To Myself PPqERa7q.dafy --- Enjoy the spectacle hGmaTer5.dafy --- Dark Mathematicer (Forum dedicated to hacking) #---------------- Nept Links(16) ----------------# http://girogahary5arofeideidegivoly.nept --- Dark Babylon City (Hidden Marketplace) http://vaerviraleminokorezdumpbile7.nept --- BbTINA (Unknown) http://bareyaelece4arakakorskyu3eda.nept --- Triangle of vermudes http://faremquaerladeppoyelcevingab.nept --- Ragnarok Index Place (Restricted Zone) http://projectyvereze7keralmoniakci.nept --- Main Hallwitchz Germany (German Hacktivist Group) http://ekkhgiskagfrawahulatriaottyx.nept --- Inside Area51 http://uohibsuolphft7hggrjs7fdmfngj.nept --- "Illegal" Music http://fjiglrsgjit4gyuodsigxevvdnj1.nept --- Kiss Of Death At Night (A place were you can torture someone) http://fareidkeuwqocelmkjftistykasz.nept --- Xibozavvy Raw Pitozz (Unknown Site) http://zkarhajavrogtaelinte9mt3nalo.nept --- Online Kidnapping http://cjem9kkkkkafe02experimentdce.nept --- Cyber Extortion Investigation http://ezn1gldcxdsenvekuygerilomash.nept --- New Worlds Order http://5treonolopiopsygnikovylnarop.nept --- Highly Dangerous Bombs http://kisel17garenbzajreljeferoilh.nept --- Destroy the whole planet in a few minutes http://hr3arwptprotectyrprivaxbevvt.nept --- How to inject evil code on any website http://qorlynp9cvbenmygelhoterkbolk.nept --- Xinuv13 Old Archive's #---------------- Life Links(3) ----------------# --- How the universe was created --- Get free and get to know all the secrets --- Power is yours (Site where a long code needs to be decrypted to access, 1KM code encryption) #---------------- Taur Links(7) ----------------# http://roleaqyvoptycosot.taur --- Mental Manipulation http://sqavpds3dvt9ofapv.taur --- WKLR0.99 (Page to download Software) http://8aroyra1rreuywpyz.taur --- Exit Matrix on Humanity http://dhmelalk3nrporito.taur --- Gates to the dark system (systems to access different sites of the "Deep Web" if we still can call it so...) http://fgevbi6are9bbluia.taur --- Unix Paradise & Unix History http://r4agfi4lebareoquy.taur --- Illegal darkcode (Site that shares the most powerfull botnets ever created) http://cbhnse8klemceraqq.taur --- Guliana City Location (Site that shows you the location of a hidden city where very few people live) #---------------- Elen Links(5) ----------------# RaZxVBBaseRiaor.elen --- Fly Fly Butterfly (Site where a Naked Girl is and there are butterlies arround, it's a encrypted message) GcbDfoE9ACerey4.elen --- List of dafy, clos, exit, project, nept, onion, etc... links XaXyErEasErVBsl.elen --- Find My Girl and I'll give you a beauty life to live (Unknown) MiNqDrOPPqKSe7B.elen --- World's most powerfull weapons UaWeFcccXwq0qvc.elen --- WARNING, TOXIC SITE (Unknown)
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