1- What is Gunbot? Gunbot is a bot that trades in crypto currency markets and its goal is to get profit. 2- Is Gunbot 100% automated? Yes, Gunbot executes up to 6 precoded professional trading strategies automatically. It will buy and sell coins following the trading strategy you want. The only thing you have to do is to configure the bot and to add the coins you want to trade with. After that, Gunbot will do profitable buy/sell operations for you, no matter if you are relaxing at the beach drinking a mojito or sleeping. 3- On what operating systems can I run Gunbot? Actually Gunbot supports Windows, Mac and Linux. 4- What are the minimum requirements to run Gunbot? The latest version of Gunbot is very low resource demanding, it can even be ran in an old laptop or even in a raspberry. 5- What do I need in order to get my Gunbot license activated? You only need to login to your exchange (Poloniex, Bittrex,, Binance, Bitfinex, Kraken or Cryptopia) and create an API Key. Then just purchase your license and send us your API Key, so when can activate your license. 6- Is it possible to change my API Key? Yes, as far as you change your original API Key for other API Key from the same Exchange. For example, for some reason your original Bittrex API Key is deleted, then we can disable your old API Key and enable a new one, but you can’t change your Bittrex API Key for an API Key from Poloniex or any other Exchange. 7- What is a VPS? Do you recommend to run the bot in a VPS? VPS stands for Virtual Private Server. It’s just a remote computer in which you can run the bot. The bot works fine in any computer but there are several advantages of running Gunbot in a VPS. For example: a) You don’t need to keep your computer turned on 24 hours / day. b) You save in your electricity bill. c) You can connect to your vps to check the bot from anywhere, from any computer, notebook or cellphone. d) The vps connections are really strong, this means that it doesn’t matter if your home Internet connection drops, the bot will still be working in the vps. Also a strong connection helps the bot to be more fast and efficient. 8- What VPS do you recommend? We recommend Contabo VPS. This one is a good and very stable VPS that works great with the bot. Just choose the first one in the list, VPS M, Then go to “Operating System” and click “Options”, then choose “Windows Server” and now you can proceed with the payment. If you prefer a cheaper option, you can use Router Hosting VPS for just 10$ / month. Click on “View vps plans” and then click on “Windows vps plans”. Now go to “Super Fast SSD Windows VPS” and pick the first one. The one with 2Gb ram and whose cost is 9.95$ / month. Now you have to choose the operating system, pick “Windows Server 2016” and in the field “Hostname” put whatever you want, for example your name. Now you can proceed with the payment. 9- What strategies can I run with Gunbot? Gunbot has 6 precoded strategies: Bollinger Bands, BBrsi, TSSL, Gain, Step Gain and Ping Pong. You can tweak the default parameters and create your own trading strategy. 10- How much can I earn? It depends on many things: The strategy you use, the pairs you choose, how the market is etc… The estimated monthly earnings are around 30% using Bollinger Bands strategy. If you know how to use the bot and you pick a good strategy you can even get higher profits. 11- Do you offer support? Yes, purchasing a Bronze, Silver or Gold pack, you will get access to the main Telegram support group. 12- I want personalized support and help with configuration. If you want a detailed and personalized explanation about how the bot works, help configuring your bot from scratch via Teamviewer, access to Premium support group where we share good working pair list, tips and tricks to maximize your earnings and more, you can purchase the Premium support pack, which cost is only 0,03 btc. 13- How many coins can Gunbot handle at the same time? There is no limit. Gunbot can handle any number of coins you want to add. 14- How much time does the license last? The license doesn’t expire. That means that you will get updates, improvements and new versions for free forever. 15- How long does it take my license to be active after I make a purchase? After the purchase, you will get a confirmation email in which you will be told that your license activation has been requested and we will send you other email to confirm once your license is activated. It usually takes only a few minutes, but it can take up to few hours in some cases. 16- Can I install Gunbot in several computers if I own one license? Yes, you can install Gunbot in several computers but note that you can only run it in one computer at the same time. 17- Do you have an affiliate program? Yes, you can get all the information you need in the following link: Affiliate program 18- Do you offer refunds? No, due to the nature of digital products, we don’t offer refunds 19- I have more questions or suggestions. You can send us an email to or just fill in the contact form. We will be glad to answer your questions.
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