As we age so do our eyes so it is important Lutazene  to take precautions to avoid certain eye problems. A common eye problem is called macular degeneration that comes with aging. This eye problem is caused by deterioration of the tissues in the eye. This is a chronic eye disease with no cure, but promising new treatments emerging. It can give a person blurry vision and central blind spots. There are two different kinds of macular degeneration, which are the wet and dry kind.The wet kind is known to be more serious but less likely to occur. This kind can give you visual distortions such as seeing straight lines being crooked or wavy in appearance. You may notice objects looking very small or being farther away then they really are. You may notice loss of your central vision with blurry spots. It may progress rapidly without treatment. Eye injections of two different medications have been widely used the last few years to help help control the wet form. The dry form develops much slower, Specific supplements have been shown to delay the progression of the dry form into the more severe wet form. A new National Eye Institute study is underway to see if changes in the supplements will improve their effectiveness.