Hi guys . FreeBitco bot + Free Capcha Script (Please note this for rolling the dice each hour.Not multiplying) =============================================================== First Download Imacros for Firefox. Second Register here for the captchas service you fill captchas and earn points with these points you allow the bot to send your captchas and get yours filled in. http://cur.lv/aybf9 Copy this code into an empty imacro. -------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION BUILD=8820413 RECORDER=FX TAB T=1 SET !EXTRACT_TEST_POPUP NO SET !ERRORIGNORE YES SET !ERRORCONTINUE YES SET !TIMEOUT_PAGE 999 TAB CLOSEALLOTHERS URL GOTO=http://freebitco.in/?r=548646 FILEDELETE NAME=D:\captcha.jpg ONDOWNLOAD FOLDER=D:\ FILE=captcha.jpg WAIT=YES TAG POS=1 TYPE=IMG ATTR=ID:recaptcha_challenge_image CONTENT=EVENT:SAVEITEM WAIT SECONDS=5 TAB OPEN TAB T=2 URL GOTO=You will receive this from captchas service TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT ATTR=NAME:apikey CONTENT=YOUR API KEY TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT ATTR=NAME:prio CONTENT=0 TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT ATTR=NAME:source CONTENT=imacros TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT ATTR=NAME:file-upload-01 CONTENT=D:\captcha.jpg TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT ATTR=TYPE:submit TAG POS=1 TYPE=* ATTR=* EXTRACT=TXT WAIT SECONDS=5 TAB CLOSE TAB T=1 TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:TEXT FORM=ID:free_play_form ATTR=ID:recaptcha_response_field CONTENT={{!EXTRACT}} WAIT SECONDS=5 TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:SUBMIT FORM=ID:free_play_form ATTR=ID:free_play_form_button WAIT SECONDS=3605 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dont forget to past your api key (YOUR API KEY) and your api url (You will receive this from captchas service) in the imacro script