By Anastacia Miller in Business Marketing SE Optimization

The search engine optimization industry is currently worth more than $65 billion. Business owners and corporations are increasingly dependent on SEO to bring in the traffic and conversions to consistently grow their revenues. It is the age of SEO and only now are companies realizing that it is an essential part of their online marketing efforts and not just an add-on in their digital marketing strategy. Your website may contain the best images and content but if your SEO strategy is not in place, your traffic and conversion rate may be endangered. Or worse, if you employ bad SEO strategies for your website, search crawlers will never find it and it may get buried in the depths of search results. This is exactly the reason why you need experienced, reliable and consistent people working on your website’s SEO. You may employ a SEO agency, a consulting firm or an in-house SEO expert. For any of these options, make sure that whoever works for your website has specific qualities.

Here are top five traits of an ideal SEO employee.

1. Technical Knowledge of All Layers of SEO
Years of experience will empower any SEO expert with enough knowledge of the technical structure of a website and how search engines crawl your content. The other two aspects that demand attention from any responsible SEO employee are on-page and off-page optimization. On-page optimization makes perfect use of keywords and HTML tags in the content to be appropriately accessible to search engine crawlers. Off-page optimization, on the other hand, can be quite elaborate and involve a team effort in building external links that lead to your website. Google loves your website when everybody else loves it. Link building is one of the potent methods to make sure of that. If your SEO expert has practical knowledge of practices in these three spheres, you can be sure that your website is in good hands.

2. An Understanding of the Bigger Picture
SEO cannot be a one-motive practice. It is not just about keywords, crawlers and back links. For a SEO strategy to be truly fruitful, one needs to have a broad understanding of the marketing plan, target groups, business goals, tone of communication, products, business models and more. Only when you genuinely understand the big picture goals of the company will a more thoughtful approach to SEO penetrate its strategy. If you don’t understand these aspects and are technically sound, you may get some short-term successes, but not long-term. Short-term successes in the SEO universe have the potential to do more harm than good. A successful SEO strategy that brings reaches conversion targets and brings more business is one that is consistent and has a long-term approach to it.

3. Ability to Communicate Complex Ideas Clearly
Since results of search engine optimization can only be analyzed over a long period of time, a SEO employee needs to establish a clear communication channel with clients. Business and website owners may not have a complete understanding of SEO practices. The responsibility of explaining their methods and objectives simply and clearly lies on the SEO expert’s shoulders. An impatient client who does not understand what goes into the SEO strategy may get frustrated and want to end the contract. Good communication skills can be of crucial use to the ideal SEO employee.

4. Ability to Work in a Team
Even if your SEO strategy is handled by a one-man army, he is going to need help on different fronts from other employees. Getting the on-page communication just right requires the aid of an effective content marketing specialist to go hand-in-hand with a SEO expert. Accurate analysis of the target audience, social media management and strong online public relations can and should contribute to an efficient SEO masterplan. An individual who is willing to work together with all the other avenues in a company to create best results is going to be an asset in your company.

5. Curious and Dedicated
The search engine world is ever-changing and you never know when the search algorithms change or how the crawlers are going to affect your website overnight. A dedicated employee that stays updated with the latest Google and search engine trends is what you need. An employee who is passionate about SEO will always explore the possibilities of SEO and will be easily adaptable to the changing trends. It is better to have someone who is constantly learning and growing than someone with years of experience who stopped learning a long time ago. A passionate and inquisitive mind in your SEO employee can pay big dividends for business ultimately.

Keep these points in mind, when employing someone for your website’s search engine optimization to make sure that you get the right employee.

Anastasia is a writer, blogger and counselor and has written extensively on careers, SEO, professional development and self-motivation. She is also a business development professional who freelances for different corporate clients including Monster India.

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